AI Base Face Attendance

Face Recognition
Attendance Management keeps track of your employee present/absent details. It is the system to document the time your employees/students work and the time they take off.
In this digital era, AI face recognition system plays a vital role in almost every sector. Face recognition is one of the mostly used biometrics. It can used for security, authentication, identification.
This is an artificial intelligence-based attendance management system with face recognition technology. The main objective of this AI based software solution is to update attendance with employees' face using computer vision.
Our Aim is to Transform your workplace experience with Face

Benefits Of AI Face Attendance
• Entering Attendances with time & Leaving Attendances with time.
• First time it will update the entering attendance.
• Second time, it will update leaving attendance.
• Do not need to touch the device, the attendance can be done with face.
• Training can be done with a single click.
• It has a dataset creation module, where system can collect images of new employee.
• An easy approach management panel.
• Unauthorized access detection and prevention.
• Voice outputs
• Eye should be blinked to confirm the identify, this prevents digital image faking attack.