Onboarding Process
Our onboarding software tool helps you streamline the HR team workflow via automating the tasks. It helps your HR Team to focus on the core HR activities. This tool help you eliminate the manual paper work which results in hours of administrative work for HR professionals. Strategically, we help in increasing the retention rates. Main motive of our onboarding program is to develop necessary skills and groom the new recruits to become a functional, productive contribution towards the organization. With our software you can easily carry out the necessary forms / document filling electronically

Employee Joining Details
New joiner will login and update the information along with the documents. We have given approval workflow process to check and verify the details entered and verify the attached documents

Education & Experience Details
With AmigoHR system HR as well as employee himself can modify his educational, work experience details. Which lessens the work of an HR team and helps them focus on HR core activities

Statutory Details
Statutory compliance in HR helps a company to manage a demanding regulatory environment and avoid non-compliance risks. All the labour and taxation laws of India come under statutory compliance.

Bank Details
AmigoHR helps you update the bank details of an employee in the system. Which is further useful while making transactions. Such as salary processing, full & final settlement at the time of employee separation.

Employee Dossier
Employee documents is a feature which helps an HR as well as employee create his own set of personal documents with AmigoHR

Identification Proofs
Employee Identification proofs help an HR to access the documents while filing of taxation or legal compliance.