Amigo HR Recruiting software helps hiring managers and human resources professionals manage the employee lifecycle from source to hire — identifying great candidates to onboarding new employees.

Job Requisition & Approval
A job requisition is a formal request recruiter or hiring managers fill out for their company's HR department to create a new position or to fill a job vacancy. A job requisition goes beyond just the job description and job title. A good job requisition also includes relevant information such as hiring manager details. You get all these at one place in AmigoHR easily.

Resume Screening
Resume screening is the process of determining whether a candidate is qualified for a role based his or her education, experience, and other information captured on their resume. AmigoHR becomes your helping hand here it automates the task and does it in no time.

Interview Scheduling
Interview scheduling is not a single task, but a long process wherein the recruiter runs around to get the list of the interviewers and panel members from the hiring managers, discuss the interview slots with the interviewers, fix the venue, and schedule the interview, and finally, notify the busy candidates of the various rounds of interviews. This lengthy time consuming activity is now been handled and smoothen up with this incredible feature of AmigoHR.

Candidate Selection
Candidate selection is the process of finding the right person to fill a given position at your organization. Importantly it covers all steps from initial resume screening to making a final hiring decision and preparing a job offer. It can include skill assessments, an interview, and a background check. AmigoHR undertakes this process easily within single clicks.

Issue Offer Letter
AmigoHR has created a wonderful feature with an ideology to lessen the work of HR. With this feature you can draft/ create a template of offer letter the way to want to design it. Also, one can send the offer letter through AmigoHR to the desired employees.

Transfer To HRMS
Once the entire recruitment process is done. AmigoHR transfers the data to the HRMS employee database as well as records