
Rewards & Recognition

Rewards and Recognition

Rewards and Recognition is a system where people are acknowledged for their performance. Organization use rewards and recognition program to motivate employees and show them that they are appreciated. Most of the times rewards and recognition take the form of extra compensation for employees who carry out the activities in their role description and meet their objectives.

Rewards Configuration

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By appreciating your employees, you can create a positive culture and foster a sense of loyalty to the company. Thus, AmigoHR has come up with a feature where you get a chance to recognize and make other departments know the efforts of an employee and his quality. This helps an employee feel that they're making genuine difference to the company’s growth. You can easily configure or add multiple rewards in the section with one single click such as Congratulating, Outstanding, Thanks-giving etc.

Brand Value

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Rewards boost engagement and increase productivity throughout the workplace at all levels. Additionally, they spend less time procrastinating and are more focused. Understanding this concept, AmigoHR has designed this module wherein you can set categories which will define your employee/ the purpose for awarding him well. Categories or parameters differ as per company it can be for team work, integrity, Customer focused, Professional etc.

Nominate a colleague

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With this unique feature you get an opportunity to make your peer know their worth and efforts put in towards certain activity/ task. It improves the peer-to-peer relations as well as work culture.